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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Physical Effect
Mental Effect
earth, water
nourishes, builds and strengthens body tissues
soothing, calming, satisfactory
Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat

Grains, pasta, rice, bread, starchy vegetables, dairy, meat, chicken, fish, sugar, honey

fat diseases, obesity, diabetes
lethargy, anxiety
water, fire
lubricates tissues, softens, maintains mineral balance and holds water
enhances appetite and other tastes, enthusiasm, calms nerves and stops anxiety
Mineral salts

Table salt, soy sauce, salted meats, fish, seaweed

wrinkles, thirst, loss of strength, baldness
cravings, anger, impatience, lethargy
earth, fire
stimulates appetite and digestion, strengthens heart, relieves thirst and satiates
enhances intellectual activities
Organic acids: ascorbic acid, citric acid, acetic acid

Citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes, pickled foods, salad dressing, yoghurt, alcohol

loss of strength, fever, thirst
resentment and jealousy, anger, impatience, hot temper
fire, air
warms body and promotes sweating, improves metabolism and relieves nerve pain
opens mind and senses
Essential oils

Peppers, chilies, onions, garlic, cayenne, black pepper, cloves, ginger, mustard, salsa, raddish, wasabi

thirst, depletion of reproductive fluid and strength, fainting, waist/back pain
irritability, anger, impatience
earth, air
cleanses blood and helps maintaining healthy blood sugar level, dries moisture and fat
cools fiery minds,clears senses and emotions, removes lethargy

Lentils, dried beans, broccoli, green apples, pears, grape skins, cauliflower, cabbage, pomegranates, tea

gas or constipation, heart pain, thirst
anxiety, worry, fear, insomnia
ether, air
cleanses and detoxifies, reduces fat and water excess, relieves thirst and fever, antibiotic
helpful in managing food cravings, clears senses and emotions
Alkaloids or glycosides

Green leafy vegetables, green and yellow vegetables, kale, celery, broccoli, sprouts, beets

gas or upset stomach, tissue depletion
anxiety, fear, insomnia

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